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Boulder, Colorado, I'm coming to your town! Come see me September 14 reading with three brilliant poets from the area. Grateful to be in such good company. 

what i've been up to

Readings, residencies, and other preoccupations, both lived and virtual. 

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Such a great time reading with my press mates Bonnie Jill Emanuel and Caitlin Cowan in lovely Ferndale, MI this past April.  Thanks to the Syndicate Lounge on Vester St. for hosting us in style.

For National Poetry Month 2024, I conducted a workshop at the Skokie Public Library. Such an honor to have both new and experienced poets stop by and write some breathtaking pieces in real time.

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Such a gas to read for the launch of the February 2024 edition of the South Florida Poetry Journal. Proud to be included!

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Had a great time at AWP 2024 in Kansas City​ signing copies of my book at the Cornerstone Press booth and reading with fellow Cornerstone poets at Blip Coffee Roasters

The tour for We Are Reckless (Cornerstone Press),

my first full-length poetry collection, included:


10/13/23: Launch, City Lit Bookstore, Chicago, IL

with Toby Altman, Elizabeth Majerus, and

Robert McDonald.

10/14/23, Town House Books, St. Charles, IL

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10/18/23: Exile in Bookville, Chicago, with Jessica Walsh

10/23/23: Next Chapter Booksellers, St. Paul, MN, with J. Bailey Hutchinson, Timothy Otte, and Moheb Soliman

10/24/23: Books and Company, Oconomowoc, WI, with Margaret Rozga and Kim Suhr

11/4/23: Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books, Poetry Panel ("Loss, Hope, and Poetic Searching"), Waukesha, WI, with Molly Fuller and Andrea Potos

11/9/23: Apothica Teas, Niles, MI

11/14/23: Morgenstern Books, Bloomington, IN, with Lindsey Alexander

11/28/23: Seminary Co-op, Chicago, IL, with Chelsea Voulgares

12/17/23: Exfolia Botanicals (Poetry Pop-up), Chicago, IL

9/14/24: East Window, Boulder, CO, with Lauren Samblanet, Meca'ayo, and Cass Eddington







I am privileged to be part of a music compilation by female-identified artists and their allies to raise funds for reproductive justice. Featured as one of Bandcamp's New and Notable and a bestseller for punk, "Oh SCOTUS, Up Yours!" raises funds for SisterSong, a women of color reproductive justice collective. My spoken word piece, "Throat" is the first track.


The PenRF reading series, a ragtag offshoot of the PRF BBQ (an annual DIY music fest that leans mathy, punk, and experimental), occurs twice a year: in Chicago every summer and Mattawan, Michigan every fall. Past PenRFs have featured James Capozzi, Nicole Mason, Melanie Crow, Anne Hensley, Leslie Von Holten, and Chelsea Voulgares. 



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My poem "Throwaway" was one of just five selected for the Passengers Journal podcast in April 2022. The entire program is worth a listen if you're a poetry nerd like me, but discussion of my piece begins around the 30-minute mark. 

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